(就是太子爺公)由一甲信眾費心發願維護 每年農曆 九月 九日為生日大典 熱鬧慶祝不在話下 Tsoying Fen-Gu Gon(Fon-Gu, temple for riched rices, New-Temple in contrast to TSYDT), is located at Northern Tsoying, established at Japanese era for the increased interior of TSYDT. Two main gods in this temple as God of Agriculture (Rice or Main Food), and Matsu. The God of Prince(Tai-Tz-Ya) is sitting at left side(a seat of secondary, or vice-VIP). The lunar Spet. 9th(20071016) is his birthday, and so a ceremony is a regular program.
左營舊部落的傳統信仰大致分為一至七甲 已如前述 http://tsoying.blogspot.com/ 屬於一甲的信眾 大抵居住於北左營 因此 太子爺在新設豐谷宮後 也因地緣的關係 改為常駐此廟 這是其簡短由來 在高雄市的歷史上 祂比三民區的三鳳宮更悠遠 當然比蓮潭路天府宮更有populization 談論歷史 不得不釐清者也 the popular belivers on Tsoying's 1st-Chia are almost living at northern Tsoying,when the new temple is established the God of Prince is moving here because of geographic reason. On the historic aspects, the God of Prince of this New-Temple is older than San-Feng Gon's(at San-Ming, Kaohsiung), so is the Tien-Fu Gon's(at lake side of Lotus Lake)
豐谷宮內的壁雕 在左營的廟 比較少見 將來若要改建 一定要保留 但願 當道的行政當局有謝長廷般的見識
Every gods of local areas are take part in such a party. It is an uptodate ceremony.