2008年2月26日 星期二
20080226 左營元帝廟二甲夫人媽誕辰踏火儀式之四
HM Chu, YDT join the ceremony and enjoy the across fire procedure.左營元帝廟四甲朱府千歲 剛剛在前天過祂的壽辰 今日 也很高興來參與此盛會 並踏火也
20080226 左營元帝廟二甲夫人媽誕辰踏火儀式之三
The ceremony of across fire is leading by taoist, and is a procedure to gather the soliders (ghosts in the passed world) from around the vicinity.Some people still prohibit such as female on the cycle. 在道士的引導之下 諸神轎與有志者均過火三次 其中仍有禁忌 特定人員仍然不可踏火
20080226 左營元帝廟二甲夫人媽誕辰踏火儀式之一
On the begining, the taoist leading the belivers to pray to the gods who invited to the ceremony and set up the camps of gathering the soliders from nearboring sites. The soliders usually means the ghosts
2008年2月25日 星期一
主祭就位 陪祭在旁 甲內信眾各就位 
夫人媽的供奉 有史記載始自公元1666年 乃此廟的開基
神祇 後來應民間信仰的需求 主座讓給北極玄天上帝 夫人退居左廂房 亦大位也

夫人媽" 少被注意
"北垣長曜" 已有一百二十年歷史 就在夫人媽正前方之穹頂 亦本廟之寶物也 光緒初年生圓林暇齡 所題 The Plate is more than 120 years
The lunar Jan 20, as Feb 26 2008, is God of Madam's(GOM) birthday, and the birthday party is held on the main lobby of YDT. There are Han Band performance and ceremony as well as usual.
The lunar Jan 20, as Feb 26 2008, is God of Madam's(GOM) birthday, and the birthday party is held on the main lobby of YDT. There are Han Band performance and ceremony as well as usual.
2008年2月21日 星期四
2008021 元宵夜的盛會 十二婆姐陣
The new team, Twelve Grandmas and Sisters(Twelve women and sister,TGS,十二婆姐隊), is one of CHT(Chen-Huan Temple,God of City, city god 舊城城隍廟) is frequently seen on middle Taiwan, from Taichung toTainan.This is the first show before TSYDT on Feb. 21 2008, The First Moon-Night, Yuan-Shiao Festival http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0oGkkocNL5H7AcBEg1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTFic2NpYzNkBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA01BUDAxMl8xMDQEbANXUzE-/SIG=1680bq3bg/EXP=1203733916/**http%3a//www.taipedia.org.tw/index.php%3ftitle=%25E5%258D%2581%25E4%25BA%258C%25E5%25A9%2586%25E5%25A7%2590%25EF%25BC%2588%25E6%2596%2587%25E5%25BB%25BA%25E6%259C%2583%25EF%25BC%2589
舊城城隍廟出巡 或參與廟會活動的陣容浩大 除了謝將軍 范將軍 還有比較少出現的註生娘娘 今年 多了"十二婆姐陣"
The sedan of YuShenDien's god ( at KerZe Liao, Ze-Guan, Kaohsiung County) is ask for interpretation to GOP,YDT in the Yuan-Shiao Night The god in side the sedan and hold by belivers, rapidly going to the main gate of the YDT, then withdraw after the interpretator's words.In Taiwan, this is one of kinds of god's orders.
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