夫人媽的供奉 有史記載始自公元1666年 乃此廟的開基
神祇 後來應民間信仰的需求 主座讓給北極玄天上帝 夫人退居左廂房 亦大位也

夫人媽" 少被注意
"北垣長曜" 已有一百二十年歷史 就在夫人媽正前方之穹頂 亦本廟之寶物也 光緒初年生圓林暇齡 所題 The Plate is more than 120 years
The lunar Jan 20, as Feb 26 2008, is God of Madam's(GOM) birthday, and the birthday party is held on the main lobby of YDT. There are Han Band performance and ceremony as well as usual.
The lunar Jan 20, as Feb 26 2008, is God of Madam's(GOM) birthday, and the birthday party is held on the main lobby of YDT. There are Han Band performance and ceremony as well as usual.